Friday, May 4, 2012

Gerry #McCann The #Antichrist - LOOK Into My Eyes.

A very well known and respected lawyer tweeted in despair last night as Martin Brunt stood outside Scotland Yard and reported on psychics and dreamers in the McCann farce.I will not name him as I do not want him spammed but he said . 'I am a lawyer and have no experience with the Antichrist'...his words chilled me.

'Fieldproducer' on twitter responded with 'Oh dear'...

The Antichrist
A powerful religious force will soon arise to change our world. The figure representing that force will be as charismatic as Hitler and Mussolini—but even more dangerous and deadly. He will be adored, and even worshiped, but he will be the personification of the Antichrist. You need to understand, and to prepare yourself for the appearance of this evil world leader.

Artwork : HIMSELF