Monday, May 7, 2012

#McCann : #Leveson - Money Money Money Money Money.

The McCanns did not wish to use their meeting with the press to talk about money. But the spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, believes that “sooner or later it will be necessary to resume the raising of money” for the fund that was created in 2008 to finance the search for Maddie.

In order to keep money flowing into the fund’s coffers,
Kate will launch a new version of the book on Thursday – this time, as a paperback – with “one more chapter, in order to update the information”.

The McCanns’ lawsuit to receive 1.2 million euro compensation from Gonçalo Amaral starts in September.

Some Friendly Advice : DON'T DONATE TO LIARS

Ian Puddick On Police Corruption In Particular Scotland Yard.