Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Libel continues against Gonçalo Amaral on writing the wrongs

It has been confirmed that the McCanns actively support 'writing the wrongs' and as 'writing the wrongs' support JATYK (suspended account for abuse) we must assume the same. I hope Snr. Amaral ,with this information about this blog asks that his lawyers do a thorough investigation into the McCanns and their dubious blogs which are used to smear him. How will 'missing persons' feel when they discover the truth about their new figurehead ? Once again there is information yet to come out about the McCanns and their friends. Paulo Rebelo's report ,and his discovery the children were all together.  Kate McCann wrote to Rebelo with fear and dread because she now knows that there is a part of the investigation that can corfirm they lied about neglect . Kate  wrote to him asking to share information. Kate is terrified ,if the truth were to be  revealed that they did not leave the children alone, how the hell will she explain the disappearance of Madeleine !


Writing the wrongs blog actively supported by the McCanns

What Is This Man’s Problem?

Amaral failed his part of the investigation to find Madeleine McCann. He failed to find out what happened to this child or by whom.

Having failed this child and her family he left the PJ and then wrote a book – a thesis, his opinion on what may have happened.

Having failed in this investigation, you would think that he would be only to happy to have the case reviewed, and perhaps answers found. After all, a child is still missing and no explanation as to who, how, where or why. So why isn’t he pleased that an experienced division of the Metropolitan Police Force will be reviewing the case? It isn’t a slur on Portugal – it’s just that Scotland Yard have far more experience in this type of case for, as with other countries, child abductions have taken place in the UK.

What could there possibly be to fear from outside help?

Instead Snr.Amaral comes out with a statement against the McCanns:


“The former coordinator of the PJ who investigated the disappearance of Maddie argues that Scotland Yard “will find much that will not please the McCanns”.

In today’s edition of the “Jornal de Notícias” Gonçalo Amaral reacts to the news Friday that the British police will re-investigate the case after intervention by British Prime Minister.

For the former coordinator of the PJ such research “will be a shot in the arm” for the McCanns, as it says, Scotland Yard has experience in “unmasking false abductions.””

It is strange that he then makes claims that child abuse cases don’t occur in Portugal – perhaps this explains his problem:

“Gonc is a liar” (extracted from JATYK)

Detective Goncalo Amaral rant: “There are no cases of child abuse in Portugal. Kate lies, telling that.

But from 14th May CdM paper:

Family beats paedophile in Gaia


He grabbed her, threw her to the ground and groped her. It was at 8:20 am Tuesday that George, and retired with 60 years, tried to rape a 14 year old girl in the vicinity of the school the minor attends, in Vila Nova de Gaia. He was interrupted by a couple who heard the screams of the child and fled.
Or how about this, then?

Joined violates niece

Twice violated his niece, then about 12 years, the house where he lived and also in an unoccupied residence. The girl told all her father’s brother and the man reported to authorities, but before the police caught the scrap dealer, 44, fled. He decided to return home a few days ago, after two years, and was immediately arrested by the Police of the Port. It was last heard by a judge and was under house arrest.

The paedophile is already a repeat offender and has been arrested twice for abuses, most recently in 2007. It also has several pending cases for the same crime.

The scrap dealer abused niece for the first time in August 2009. The girl was picking lemons in his uncle’s house in March Canaveses, when he grabbed her and forced her to have sex. A month later the man returned to attack the girl. This time forced her to go to a vacant house in Porto. Again while that violated the niece cried convulsively.

Read more:


Amaral falhou a sua parte na investigação para encontrar a Madeleine McCann. Falhou por não descobrir o que aconteceu a esta criança e por culpa de quem.

Tento falhado perante esta criança e a sua família, deixou a PJ e escreveu um livro – uma tese, a sua opinião sobre o que aconteceu.

Tendo falhado nesta investigação, seria de prever que só ficaria feliz quando visse o caso revisto e respostas encontradas, talvez. Afinal de contas, está uma criança desaparecida, sem qualquer explicação sobre como, quem ou porquê. Por isso, porque é que ele não está contente que uma experiente divisão da Polícia Metropolitana vá rever o caso? Não é um insulto a Portugal – é só aproveitar o facto de a Scotland Yard ter mais experiência neste tipo de casos, um veze que, tal como noutros países, o rapto de crianças já aconteceu no Reino Unido.

O que haverá a temer desta ajuda?

O Sr. Amaral surge então com um depoimento contra os McCann:

“O ex-coordenador da PJ que investigou o desaparecimento de Maddie defende que a Scotland Yard “vai descobrir muita coisa que não agradará aos McCann.

Na edição de hoje do “Jornal de Notícias”, Gonçalo Amaral reage à notícia de sexta-feira de que a polícia inglesa vai voltar a investigar o caso após intervenção do Primeiro-Ministro inglês.

Para o ex-coordenador da PJ essa investigação “será um tiro no pé” para os McCann, uma vez que, diz, a Scotland Yard tem experiência em “desmascarar falsos raptos”.”

É também estranho que defenda que não há abusos a crianças em Portugal – talvez isto explique o seu problema:

“Gonçalo é um mentiroso” (extraído do JATYK)

O Detective Gonçalo Amaral disse: “Não há casos de abusos de crianças em Portugal. A Kate mente ao dizê-lo.”

Mas segundo o Correio da Manhã de dia 14 de Maio:

“Família espanca pedófilo em Gaia

Agarrou-a, deitou-a ao chão e apalpou-a. Foi às 8h20 de terça-feira que Jorge, reformado e com 60 anos, tentou violar uma menina de 14 anos, nas imediações da escola que a menor frequenta, em Vila Nova de Gaia. Foi interrompido por um casal que ouviu os gritos da menor e fugiu.”

Ou então esta:

“Cadastrado viola sobrinha

Violou duas vezes a sobrinha, na altura com 12 anos, na casa onde vivia e também numa residência devoluta. A menina contou tudo ao pai e o homem denunciou o irmão às autoridades, mas antes que a polícia o apanhasse o sucateiro, de 44 anos, fugiu. Decidiu voltar a casa há alguns dias, ao fim de dois anos, e foi de imediato detido pela PJ do Porto. Foi ontem ouvido por um juiz e ficou em prisão domiciliária.

O pedófilo é já reincidente e já esteve preso duas vezes por abusos, a última delas em 2007. Tem também ainda vários processos pendentes pelo mesmo tipo de crime.
O sucateiro abusou pela primeira vez da sobrinha em Agosto de 2009. A menina estava a apanhar limões na casa do tio, em Marco de Canaveses, quando aquele a agarrou e a forçou a manter relações sexuais. Um mês depois o homem voltou a atacar a menina. Desta vez obrigou-a a ir até uma casa devoluta, no Porto. Mais uma vez violou a sobrinha enquanto aquela chorava convulsivamente”.

Ler mais:
posted under Madeleine

5 Comments to

“What Is This Man’s Problem?”

  1. Avatar May 31st, 2011 at 9:33 am JacciR Says: I would hope that Mr Amoral would also be investigated by the Met. At best it would prove he was incompetent, a liar and the owner of a HUGE ego. At worst it will show who he is covering up for which will explain his determination to stop the Mccanns finding Madeleine.

  2. His ego aside, I have always wondered who he is covering for, is he involved and why does the PJ have such an abismal track record when it comes to investigating these types of cases, including the 5 (?) cases of kids being assulted in their beds in and around the Argave around the time Madeleine went missing. ???????
    I hope the Met will throw a very wide net as to who gets investigated when they do their review.

  3. Avatar June 2nd, 2011 at 8:47 am SPA Says: I agree with the text above, I also agee with JacciR, amaral´s behaviour raises to many questions, it is a very suspicious behaviour. I have my own thoughts about amaral.
  4. Avatar June 2nd, 2011 at 9:29 pm Cath Says: [b]“The former coordinator of the PJ who investigated the disappearance of Maddie argues that Scotland Yard “will find much that will not please the McCanns”.[/b]
    You can bet your bottom dollar on that. Of course they won’t be pleased if the Met’s review shows the holes in the initial investigation and how the PJ did everything they could to cover that up.
    But let’s forget about that. Let’s hope the review will lead to finding Madeleine.

  5. Avatar June 4th, 2011 at 1:28 am SPA Says: Yes Cath, I agree with you, to find this child, to bring her home is the most important.
  6. Avatar June 4th, 2011 at 10:50 am M.C. Says: I sincerely hope that a completely knew Portuguese Team are involved and work closely with Scotland Yard.
    And – most of all uncovers some information that could help find Madeleine.