Tuesday, June 7, 2011

List of available babysitters.

Sunday Evening: Matt Oldfield : ...Matt too sick to attend dinner

Monday OR Tuesday Evening:        Russell O' Brian......... Did not attend dinner becasuse child was ' sick' (Jane cannot confirm which night or she does not wish to)
Tuesday evening: Kate McCann was not seen at dinner by the quiz mistress. 
Wednesday Evening: Rachael Oldfield : too sick to attend dinner

The babysitters...one sat each evening with the children ,just as Paulo Rebelo had suspected , the children were all together, the issue of neglect had been removed....AND now understanding why it was impossible for the tapas to return for a reconstruction , they were truly afraid !


The Cancelled reconstruction


* ROB not at Tapas Bar because sick child - Monday or Tuesday .- JT cannot remember ROB at Tapas - Monday or Tuesday ------

Matthew Oldfield's rogatory interview, which took place on 09 April 2008, ...... And I was ill on one night, Rachael was ill on the Wednesday night and so ...
www.mccannfiles.com/id219.html - Cached

Rogatory Interviews - Matthew Oldfield - McCann Files